Teach us something, but make it quick. Part 1.
On Thursday 1 March I spoke at the DisruptHR Conference held in Cape Town at the cool Travelstart offices in Kloof Street Studios. The opportunity allowed me to do 2 things: 1. Reflect on my personal journey from the advertising industry to product design, and 2. Practice public speaking (once more, after a hiatus of, say, a few years). If you’re unfamiliar, the DisruptHR format reminds me of PechaKucha in that it’s focused, timed and self running. Each presenter has 20 slides (no more, no less), slides rotate every 15 seconds automatically. You don’t control them. This makes things very interesting. It’s also fun. But terribly difficult to master. I felt that I had a particularly interesting story to share as a creative practitioner whom found himself in a world he did not recognize or understand. During that experience, I sometimes felt that I did not know who I was. I had lost my 'sense of self', as it were. In order to survive, I...