
Showing posts from December, 2006

Dear Santa

Here are a few suggestions for under the tree this year: [1] Apple's iPhone (with independent network choice) [2] The vintage Kenner Star Wars figure collection (in the boxes) [3] A Mac Mini for all my MP3's [4] The new book by Tim Saunders - The Likability Factor [5] A PS3. Ahead of the rush. [6] A BMX that won't break when I ride it. [7] The sea. (I live in Johannesburg). [8] An opportunity to meet Guy Kawasaki. [9] More time to Blog. [10] Lastly please please please get your elves to provide a compatible PCMCIA card for my MacBook Pro. It's the Express 16 slot - much smaller than that of the PowerBook. I've been good. Promise. XXX

Lovecat On A Hot Tin Roof

Think about it. Imagine yourself walking barefoot over 4.5m of glowing coals. You've heard about it. You may have even briefly considered doing it. But have you actually seriously put your mind to the test? It's a little like training your brain to forget everything you've been conditioned to believing. This in itself is a wonderful exercise. But when we were rudely interrupted in an otherwise fun-but-routine workshop last week, I had no idea that the ritual can be so exhilarating. Granted, when you are told that in exactly 60min we would ALL have walked barefoot over 4.5m of burning coals - things take on a different perspective. You panic. Then you deal with the panic. The energy in the room was immediately raised. We were informed that to overcome any fear there are usually 3 simple conditions that need to be satisfied: 1. Environment What you think tends to become your belief quicker when everyone around you also believes. This is illustrated beautifully in Finding Ne...