Be Mindful of The Now

If you're on facebook you would know that my family is away. This is the first time in almost 15 years that i have been alone. Really alone. For those that don't know I am blessed wth a beautiful wife and 4 kids. It's a noisy, messy household with laughter, tears and the proverbial "why you home so late?." But not this week. This week was different. This week my family went to Cape Town. I went Home Alone. So I avoided it. It's not fun going home to a big empty house. Yes. I was excited about the freedom. Yes. I thought that I would get some sleep. Yes. It seemed like a a wonderful opportunity to catch up on everything. Uninterrupted. The reality? I avoided going home. I stopped over at pubs. When I got home, it was exactly the same as as I left it, and I switched on all the lights, radio and every TV in every room. I connected my MacBook and got online as soon as possible. I blogged. I read. I watched CSI. I walked into every room and looked around. I also h...