Reasons to be cheerful
Part 3.
I've always figured that blogging would make me happy. C'mon. The ability to be instantly published? The tools to make your word global? Every single letter! Every single thought - available to every single reader with a net connection and your blog address? Hurrah! Happiness.
Not so. First of all: You have to have something relevent to say (and you have many relevant things to say thoughout the day - the only problem is that you remeber them when you have them ... not when you need them).
Secondly: you need to set time aside to sit down and post. Time? Aside? WTF? ... is that?
4 Kids. Wonderful demanding job. Learning to play the guitar. I rest my case.
So. I'm thinking this is the new strategy: Why not consider your Blog like a magazine of sorts? ... You know ... it's regular. Not this weird monster that always needs feeding ... but rather like regular controlled publication that is always there on a Monday morning. Sounds good innit?
I've got LOADS of material! And the only thing I'm guilty of is not posting the stuff. Figure this: I've been around the Kayalami course in a BMW M3 cornering at 160km/h. I've been missing in action at a top-notch engagement party in one of Johannesburgs well-to-do suburbs. I've plantered some Avacardo pips in big jars on the kitchen sill with tooth-picks. I've even DIY'd my daughters chip board cupboards - the ones that always pull out. Oh ... and I've also accepted the honour of judging this countries most respected creative advertising awards.
So there's been loads to talk about. But have I? No. Not in the least. I've been too busy being busy. And that's the bloggers biggest mistake. I'm guilty. And I humbly ask for your apology.