tra•di•tion |trəˈdi sh ən|

noun 1 the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way • a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on in this way.

One such tradition in our family is that on your birthday we all have chocolate cake for breakfast.

And so it was this morning. At 5:30am, bleary eye'd, I was opening presents in bed with my two boys, gorgeous daughter and beautiful wife. Amongst the spoils were a Yoda keyring, Dark Horse graphic novel of the first 3 Star Wars episodes (stunning!) and an Obi-Wan collector figurine. Spoilt indeed.

After the unwrapping the family gathered around the dining table, tea's and coffee in hand, and each helped themselves to a slice of chocolate cake.

Happy birthday to me. ;-)


DJP said…
Geez, I didn't know it was your Birthday bro and I work in the same office. Damn!! Is it me or is there some conspiracy going on? ;)

Either way, Happy Birthday bro, albeit belated.


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