Bon Voyage!

I'm off to New Zealand on Sunday.

I don't think the idea of international travel has really sunk in yet. We had the usual trouble with booking flight tickets this week ... first we were set to leave Sunday ... then we weren't and the flights had changed to Thursday ... then 12 hours later we were on a different Airline and it was back to Sunday. But I'm not complaining. It's tremendously exciting.

I owe all this excitment to Mandy. She did so well meeting her targets at the office that every year we're treated to an International flight somewhere exotic on the house. Last year was Cape Town (a bit close to home but boy what a beautiful place). The year before Mexico. But on Tuesday I should be sipping XXX lager in Auckland, New Zealand. The City of Sails.

One of the more important things on my growing itinerary list of 'Things We Must Do!' is to take a 2 hour trip south and sit down amongst the rolling hills of the Shire where Bilbo Baggins celebrated his birthday and promptly disappeared. That should be something to remember. I believe the old site and movie props have long since gone, but the idea of being in the same place strikes a cord with me nonetheless.

Furthermore, I feel that this excursion will probably give me time to think, breathe and take life in. I haven't been doing much of that lately. There's been the usual pressures at the office and home and little time in-between. So this is going to be like a big bowl of ice-cream. Incredibly cool.

I would love to send some posts from abroad but I will have to wait and see whether I can get access to The Woodshed from way way down under.

E noho rā :-)


CraniumJack said…
fantastic. i will certainly do that Rat.

another great thing to realise is that memories are created by realising it. when you're in the moment and you're ABSORBED - tell yourself to make a memory. like taking a mental photo.

you will recall all those moments in time to come.
DJP said…
Hmmm, I'm a a tad late considering that you're gonna be back pretty soon, but "Haere ra" anyway.

have a blast!

BTW: E noho ra = Goodbye to the person staying, & Haere ra = Goodbye to the person going.


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