The Point of Power is Always Current.

It's been a while since my last post. 14 days. And in those 14 days the new moon that fell on February 27 seemed to force all sorts of unexpected developments - anything could ... and did happen. This was challenging to say the least.

In situations like this most of us tend to adopt a knee-jerk attitude and behave in a reactionary manner. Exactly what I did. It took a weekend away for something that I believe in to slowly re-awaken:

The point of power is always in the present moment*.

Let me elaborate. The past has no power over us. But it often clouds our thinking. We become very judgmental of past situations. Of others. And of ourselves. We enjoy playing the victim. But that's so stupid. There's no fun at all in being a victim, but it grants us the excuses we look for because we're unhappy with our current situation. But what we should realise is that it doesn't matter how long we have had a negative pattern ... the point of power is always in the present moment.

What a wonderful thing to realise!

The past is over and done. We cannot change that now, yet we can change our thoughts about the past. We can begin to be free in this moment. Believe it or not, we do choose our paths. We can refuse to think certain thoughts. We can change our attitudes toward the past. How foolish for us to punish ourselves about the past in the current moment. When it's in the here-and-now that we can create our desired future.

If you feel that you are not in the right place, do not act too hastily in trying to get into another one. The best way, generally, to change business or environment is by growth. There is never any hurry on the creative plane, and there is no lack of opportunity. Realise this.

Spend a day or two in contemplating the vision of what you want and in earnest gratitude for what you have and will attain. Then behave in your current environment as if you are already living this vision.

* These words are taught by Louise L Hay.


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