Alex and the Talking Ants
Guess what I'm doing whilst on the train these days?
Here's the Big Idea.
'Stories from The Train' are a series of children's tales that introduces us to the spiritual laws that govern our lives – but told in a way that makes them easy to understand for children between the ages of 4 and 10. The first in the compilation; "Alex and the Talking Ants", introduces young folk to the power of intention and visualization.
Meet Alex, a 6 year old who is anticipating his 7th birthday. Alex has informed everybody that he would like a Spaceship. Not the kind that comes with 2 AA batteries mind you ... but the real deal. He wants to visit the stars. And he has promised his younger brother to take him the moment the big day arrives.
But Alex is in for a big surprise when he sees a bright light outside his window in the early morning of his birthday ...
I was first introduced to the spiritual laws almost 3 years ago when my wife, Mandy, attended a Deepak Chopra conference for executive leadership. She came home with an armful of Deepak literature, included a signed copy of 'The 7 Spiritual Laws to Success'. The little book packs a mighty punch. And it's one of those that will always be lying on the bedside table or in your briefcase. It's amazing. In fact law number 6 - The Law of Detachment - is possibly responsible for my relocation. I say this because after fighting long and hard for our dream house, it finally manifested. IN Johannesburg. So we had to let go, in order to move on. We 'detached' ourselves from our home. In order to create something even grander one needs to practice the fine art of involved detachment.
Heavy stuff? Not really.
But if you think so, wait until I've completed 'Stories from The Train' and hopefully each law will be unpacked and easy to grasp. They're for children after all. Gotto run now .... there's a train to catch.