What My Children Have Taught Me.

Wisdom often comes in the most surprising places. Of course I always look for it in books, newspapers, Google and The History Channel. But instead of sipping on your gin 'n tonic whilst reading the latest finance publication, you should tune into the sandpit talk when you're watching your kids at the local park for some knee-high insights.

Top 10 things I've learnt since being a dad:

1. Everything is more fun when waters involved

2. If you wake up in the night, hold hands with the person next to you

3. Father Christmas, The Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will only visit if you believe

4. Pizza tastes better when it looks like a face (and dipped into creme soda)

5. Always keep it 'loosey goosey babe'

6. It's only the daddy monkeys that are c-r-a-z-y

7. Running around naked after a bath / shower / sauna is mandatory

8. The moon also goes to sleep

9. Anything that moves in the sky is absolutely incredible

10. It's O.K. to jump on the bed as long as you pull off all the bed linen

[this posting dedicated to Jagger (2yrs), Dune (4yrs), Tyler (7yrs) and Emma (9yrs)]


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